Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Class Election

And the winner is.................. DUCK!

Duck - 14 Votes
Grace - 8 Votes

Yesterday we read the books Grace for President and Duck for President. After reading the books we had a class election and the kids had to choose who they thought would be the best president Duck or Grace.  We also watched a campaign video for Duck, a  book review video for Grace, played Duck Math games, and wrote about the writing prompt "If I were president I would". After filling out their ballots the kids placed them in either side of the ballot box. We then counted them up to determine the winner. The kids were very good sports congratulating both Duck and Grace.Please check out some pictures from the election below. :)

Duck's Campaign Video

1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of teaching the kids about voting. We talked about why Parker voted for his favorite candidate. He gave some pretty interesting reasons and was happy to share his story. Great idea, hopefully he gets this experience in future years as well. Thanks for sharing.
